Monday, March 16, 2009

It's a Boy!

Today was my 2nd gender ultrasound and they confirmed that it is a boy! Charles Harrison it is!He is going to look really silly in all of these dresses I bought! :0 My sister and Shira came with me to the Dr.'s appt. Hollie brought me a pink package and boy package. I got to open the blue one and it was the cutest striped sleeper that says "Rock me to sleep". I was not very quiet about the face that I would like to have daughters running around the house but I know Heavenly Father has a awesome plan for our family. I was not too shocked about having a boy because at breakfast Keith was like just so you know it is a boy and I really have just come to take his word on such things.Keith couldn't make it to the Dr. appt but we met up for lunch and he got to check out the photos.

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